
Week 15 Microfictions

For my week 15 microfictions, I chose to write one story at 25 words or less and one story at 6 words or less, both of which can be seen below. 25 words or less: We had a big lead. Orlando caught the ball, wide open in the corner. Everyone was cheering. He shot it, and missed by 20 feet. 6 words or less: Sweet and spicy, crumbly yet consistent. Image of Youth Basketball  Author’s Note: For my 25 words or less story, I chose to write about a humorous moment I had with a friend in middle school basketball. For my 6 words or less story, I chose to write about my favorite dessert that my mom makes, pumpkin pie cheesecake.

Week 14 Microfiction

For my week 14 Microfictions, I chose to write one story at 25 words or less and one story at 6 words or less, both of which can be seen below. 25 words or less: I was on the mound, pressure was on. The other team got a hit. I watched it go by, then heard cheering from my grandmother. 6 words or less: Always by my side. Short, sweet. Image of Dachsund Author’s Note: For my 25 words or less story, I chose to write about a funny experience I had with my grandmother at one of my baseball games. For my 6 words or less story, I chose to write about my first dog, Oscar, who I grew up with for most of my childhood.

Week 13 Microfiction

For my week 13 microfictions, I chose to write one story at 25 words or less and one story at 6 words or less, both of which can be seen below. 25 words or less: At Ameristar, food was plentiful. All different kinds, all so close. The decision was difficult, but I always ended up at the same places. 6 words or less: BlackBerry was ruthless. Except to me. Image of a Casino Buffet Author’s Note: For my 25 words or less story, I chose to write about my experience going to a buffet at a casino with my grandparents, a tradition I completed with them almost monthly. For my 6 words or less story, I chose to write about a cat my grandmother used to have, that seemed to like me but was mean to everyone else.

Week 12 Microfictions

For my week 12 Microfictions, I chose to write on story at 25 words or less and one story at 6 words or less, which can both be seen below: 25 words or less: Warm and light air. The smell of fresh cut lawns. On streets, sidewalks and parking lots. The same route daily. The jingle of loose change. 6 words or less: Loyal, obedient, kind. Protective, yet goofy. Image of a Border Collie  Author’s Note: For my 25 words or less story, I chose to write about an experience I had with my great grandfather shortly before he passed away. We would often take walks to get her, and this story is about me describing what those generally looked like. For my 6 words or less story, I chose to write about a dog my grandfather used to have. Brig, a loyal collie, was a good friend and dog for me as I was growing up, and this story is me describing him.

Week 11 Biographical Writing

Note: For week 11 of my biography, I chose to write about a math competition I competed in when I was in 4th grade. My last writing was told in the first person, so I chose to tell this one in the third person, using the same character name I’ve been using in my other stories. Unlike my last story, this was a cool moment I had in my childhood, and it was fun to relive. The Underdog As a child, Percy was fairly advanced at math. He generally worked at least a grade level ahead of the rest of his class, and was event sent to a different school on certain days to learn with others like him. One day, his teacher approached him and asked him if he wanted to compete in a math competition. He wasn’t aware that math competitions were a thing, but it sounded like fun. What the teacher hadn’t told him was that every other student at the competition was a 5th grader, while he was only a fourth grader. He figured this out soon after arriving, but he thought it would be fun nonetheless to tr...

Week 10 Biographical Writing

Note: For my biographical writing this week, I chose to tell the story of a baseball game I played in when I was 9 using a first person perspective. This was not a pleasant story in my athletic career, but is one I can laugh at now. What are the Odds I’ve played baseball most of my life, and over that time I’ve changed in a lot of ways as a player. When I was 9, my specialty was bunting. I was that one skinny kid who was pretty fast, and at that age it’s pretty hard for a defense to successfully get an out on a bunt, so I used that to my advantage. It was the semifinals of the 9 and under state championship, and I was up to bat. There was a runner on third with one out, and we were losing 2-1. Like I had done all year, I tried to lay down a bunt to let the runner from third score, and I would try to make it to first base before they could throw me out. It turns out that it wasn’t my day, because for the first time that entire season, I popped a bunt up, which went right back to ...

Week 15 Tech Tip

For my week 15 tech tip, I chose to try out the snipped of HTML code which turns your browser into an easy to use platform for just typing. I’m not sure if this is something I’ll use in the future, given my easy access to Microsoft Word, but it was cool to see the an example of what coding can do for your webpage. I’ve tried creating my own webpages in the past using HTML code, so maybe this is something I could incorporate into that.